20 October 2008

I can't believe I have followers

--I love that I have followers! But I love comments even more... thanks Testa

--I also love "Mad Men" on AMC - Sunday nights at 10 p.m. Has anyone caught on to this drama?? It's good...
--I love Pellegrino - sorry John, but it's better than flat tap
--I love that my husband introduces me to new things all the time


Mer said...

I HATE spiders... What the hell makes them think they have the right to drag their webs all over my car like a dog dragging its itchy butt on the carpet??!!

That being said...

I would LOVE for there to be some sort of spider/bug bomb for cars...

Pep said...

I too love Mad Men - but I've only watched the first season so far ... love Roger Sterling and Joan Halloway, hate Pete Campbell.

Lauren Mackiel Gory said...

I totally hate Peter Campbell too... and what the hell is with Peggy... giving up her baby for adoption - like nothing?!!!

Anonymous said...

I love being wrong

Unknown said...

-- Love Don Draper's wife Betty! Great actress and a 10.
-- I don't like season two as much as season one. Later episodes, however, gain momentum.
-- Hate Peter Campbell
-- Feeling a bit mournful for what happens to Duck's personal life

Pep said...

I hate that you gave away what Peggy did with her baby ... I didn't see the second season yet! Hopefully there will be a marathon on soon.

Lauren Mackiel Gory said...

Pep: I hate that I gave away what happens to Peggy - my bad.

Unknown said...

Sorry you folks are still on season one. Season two becomes more engrossing as it goes on. Season one is very much like a novel about getting at the real Don Draper. To give you a hint, the Kodak slide projector is one of the greatest uses of a prop I've ever seen in a TV series.